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Weekly Devoirs

"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
mots de la dictée


French Home Reading

Every Monday and Thursday students will receive a small, levelled french book to bring home


These should be kept in the front plastic agenda pocket so students have it to trade in for a new book, and to ensure they stay intact! 


Students should practice reading the books out loud, searching for familiar sounds if having difficulties with pronunciation, and using the pictures to help for comprehension. 

Weekly Devoirs package




1. ils

2. elles

3. se cache

4. cache

5. impressionné(e)

6. mouillé

7. sec

8. sèche

9. stupide

10. bonne chance

11. un arbre

12. un guépard

13. un zèbre

14. un antilope

15. une tortue

16. un lion

17. un pays

18. Afrique

19. depuis

20. soif

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